Information for Learning: Meet our panelists

by | Apr 5, 2021 | LARK Symposium 2021 | 0 comments

Library clients as learners – What do libraries need to know?

Mr Nathan Sentance (Australian Museum), Ms Oriana Ocevedo (State Library NSW) and Dr Danny Liu (The University of Sydney)

LARK is delighted to present a panel session with three experts who will present their perspective on library clients as learners. The panel will address which types of information libraries have, or need to have, to support different types of learning and knowledge in their diverse communities. This panel will start a conversation by introducing a First Nations perspective and a point of view from a librarian who supports culturally and linguistically diverse people. Also, what can we learn from data? What are the possible uses for, and blind spots of, learning analytics? What can the library and information profession learn from other fields?

What are you going to ask our panelists? See our symposium page to reserve your place. Registrations close on 6 April 12 pm AEST.

About the panelists

Oriana Acevedo works at the State Library of New South Wales (NSW). In her role as the Multicultural Consultant for Public Libraries, she provides advice and supports the development of multicultural library services within the State Library and NSW public libraries. She represents the State Library in government and non-government organisations for the advancement, participation and settlement of migrants and refugees in NSW. Oriana manages the Multicultural Cooperative that assists public libraries with the acquisition of materials in languages other than English (LOTE) and also manages the State Library’s bulk loans services that provides contemporary lending collections in 43 languages.

Danny Liu is currently an Associate Professor in the DVC (Education) Portfolio at the University of Sydney. Danny is a molecular biologist by training, programmer by night, researcher and academic developer by day, and educator at heart. He works at the confluence of educational technology, student engagement, learning analytics/educational data science, pedagogical research, organisational leadership, and professional development. His work in educational innovation has been recognised through a number of national and international awards.

Nathan Sentance is currently a project officer in at the Australian Museum working on cultural programs with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander focus. Nathan’s main work focus is ensuring Indigenous perspectives and voices are part of the cultural and historical narrative that GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) institutions collect and convey as well as working on accessibility to information held in institutions to Aboriginal communities. Nathan was the recipient of the Loris Williams Memorial Scholarship 2015. He is also the current secretary of Australian Society of Archivists (ASA) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Issues Special Interest Group (ATSI SIG).


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