ALIA Library Applied Research Kollektive
LARK (Library Applied Research Kollektive) fosters evidence-based practice and applied research in library and information studies. We have close connections with other professional groups interested in how people learn and work with information. In 2022, LARK celebrated its 10th anniversary.
We discuss research-related issues and welcome members of ALIA and other professional associations with similar interests. As a community of practice, LARK participates in other forms of research support organised by ALIA. The group communicates online and in face-to-face meetings and events. We also facilitate smaller support and interest groups.
Since our humble beginnings, LARK has become a prominent voice for applied and industry-based library and information research in Australia. You can read about our story here (after 5 years) and here (after 10 years).
In 2015 and 2016, LARK was actively involved with #EBLIPRG (Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Reading Group), as far as we know the first Antipodean #LIS reading group on Twitter.