Professor Sylvia Lauretta Edwards
Cloudy with a chance of …?: What research tells us is needed to drive LIS forward
As a profession, we have always strived to be at the cutting edge of technology; to stay relevant amidst rapid technological and societal changes. Given the rising cost of living, emerging environmental issues, developments in AI, and other significant issues we face, it is timely to reflect on what the future of libraries and information services might look like. To explore, albeit briefly, the research lessons learned over the past couple of decades and try to imagine the opportunities, strengths, and challenges of our future. This exercise may provoke and challenge us, but it should also expand and hopefully inspire our thinking about the role and importance of our future services.
Dip.Lib.(RMIT), GCEd(HE), MIT(Res.), PhD (QUT), AALIA, MACS
Sylvia Edwards works in the higher education sector as an executive coach, advisor, consultant and mentor. Sylvia’s career has focused on innovation in higher education and she is passionate about the curriculum renewal required to engage our current digital native students. She is the recipient of the prestigious Australian Award for University Teaching (2006). For eight years Sylvia worked in executive roles leading faculty reorganisation to facilitate significant change at QUT, to deliver curriculum renewal at whole of program levels and led successful implementation of a variety of innovative approaches in learning & teaching. Sylvia researches higher education leadership, information searching behaviour and information literacy, and specialises in applying her research findings in practice. She has published over 80 refereed publications, delivered over 50 academic and industry presentations, and has 29 PhD student completions.
Invited speakers from IFLA
Dr Saif Al Jabri has more than 25 years of experience in library management. He has worked in different levels of library management and administration. He has an optimistic vision of library development and its future role and he always encourages young people in the Arab region to enter the field and join the world of knowledge professionals. Beside his duties in library administration, he teaches in the Business communication department and the Information Studies department. Currently, he chairs the MENA Regional Division Committee, IFLA and play an active role in the in the LIS field in the MENA region, as well as serving as a member of the Literacy and Reading Standing Committee. Saif is one of the founders of the BSLISE (Building Strong Library and Information Science Education) working group when he was chairing the IFLA Section on Education and Training (SET) standing committee.
Professor Susmita Chakraborty, Department of Library and Information Science, University of Calcutta and Chair of IFLA’s Library Theory and Research Standing Committee (See here for more details).
Jasenka Pleško has been working in the libraries of the city of Zagreb, Croatia, Europe, for over 30 years. She is the Subject Analysis Coordinator at the City Library of Zagreb. Her area of interest besides subject analysis is the training and lifelong education of librarians. She chaired the Commission for Education and Lifelong Learning of the Croatian Library Association several times. She is a member of the IFLA Education and Training Section in her second term. Since 2022, she has been the president of the Croatian Library Association.
Dr Steven Witt is the Head of the International and Area Studies Library at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, where he is also the subject specialist for Global Studies and Japanese. In addition, he has been the Director of the Center for Global Studies (CGS) at the University of Illinois since 2015. In 2018, the Center was designated a US Department of Education National Resource Center for the 5th consecutive time. Witt is also editor of IFLA Journal, the flagship journal of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions.