&Tour of the UTS Library Retrieval System
When: Thursday, 25 June 2015
Where: University of Technology, Sydney
For this outing, LARK has organised everything you need to be informed, intellectually stimulated and entertained. Sounds like a tourist brochure, but this is a pretty accurate description of our plan for the evening:
• Tour of the UTS Library Retrieval System (LRS) for an informative warm-up when you will see this amazing automated system for book retrieval
• Workshop ‘How to get published?’ for some intellectual stimulation and your chance to ask questions about best ways to communicate your research
• Dinner with lovely LARKs for your entertainment and networking.
You can join us for all or some of these activities.
Workshop How to get published?
You have done some research – now
what? There are many opportunities to communicate results of your research,
regardless of its size and significance. A major study as well as a small-scale
survey or literature review is likely to have an audience. In this workshop,
you will consider blog, professional magazine, academic journal and a book as
possible publishing outlets, each with its own advantages and requirements.
Publication in a scholarly journal will be considered in some detail – the
choice of a LIS journal, manuscript submission and peer-review process. You
will have opportunities to ask questions, share experiences and network. The
workshop is suitable for professionals and students.
The workshop will be presented by
doctors Suzana Sukovic and Bhuva Narayan. See
below for details about presenters.
Meeting place: Tower building (CB0.2) Level 4 in front of the concierge desk.
Start time: 5 pm
Cost: Free
Workshop How to get published?
Place: UTS Library, CNR Quay St & Ultimo Rd, Haymarket
Time: from 5.45 pm for 6.15 pm start till 7.45 pm. The LRS tour guide will escort the group to the library.
Cost: Free
Dinner from 8 pm.
RSVP: 24 June lark.kollektive-at-gmail.com (please indicate activities)
Workshop presenters
Dr Suzana Sukovic has an extensive experience in the library and information sector. She has presented her professional and academic work in a range of publications, and experienced peer-review process as an author and a peer-reviewer. Suzana has learnt about communication of research by conducting her doctoral study into issues of knowledge production and by collaborating on research projects. Suzana is currently Head of the Learning Resource Centre at St. Vincent’s College, Potts Point in Sydney and Co-Chair of the ALIA Research Advisory Committee. She leads ALIA LARK and regularly contributes to the LARK blog. Transliteracy and the use of digital technology for learning and knowledge production are her main research interests.
Dr Bhuva Narayan is an academic in the School of Communication at the University of Technology, Sydney, and coordinates the Digital Information Management program. Her professional background is in the book and publishing industries. She has an MLIS from the iSchool at the University of Pittsburgh and a PhD from the Queensland University of Technology, Australia where she studied Information Behaviours. Bhuva teaches in the area of Library and Information Science, ICT, and Social Media and her research interests are in human interactions with information and IT, human learning, and social media. Her current research projects include the use of mobile technologies to investigate information management for people with diabetes, developing a user-friendly technology to combat cyberbullying, and the use of social media in teaching.