Update: Research capacity building for professional practice

by | Feb 19, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

By Suzana Sukovic

Our first webinar this year has shaped up into a very promising event. We now have a great line-up of presenters from health and libraries. They will consider research in professional practice from the perspective of a very successful capacity building program in health, developing research as part of daily library work and integrating research into fun and reflective practice aided by social media.

In the previous post, I announced two presenters. Now we have the whole program and UPDATED LINK.

When: Wednesday, 22 February 4-5pm AEDT (Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne)

How to join? Go to link

The presentations will be followed by discussions. 

From experienced health clinician to novice researcher

Kerith Duncanson

The NSW Health Education and Training Institute (HETI) Rural Research Capacity Building Program provides nurses, doctors and allied health professionals from across NSW to build their research skills in a two-year researcher development program. Facilitated by two clinician researchers with teaching supported by health research academics, the program is conducted through a combination of face-to-face workshops, mentor relationships and teleconferences. Candidates step through the research process from research question conception to ethics, study implementation, analysis and report in a supportive research environment and with designated research time.

From library practitioner to library researcher: making research part of your professional practice 

Edward Luca

It can be hard to start a conversation about research, particularly if you’ve never done it before or there’s no precedent at your workplace for such initiatives. Edward will talk about his personal journey in developing academic journal articles based on his work in libraries. In particular, he’ll discuss the value of evidence-based research in informing library practice, and why more library practitioners should become involved in this space.

Unlearning with Snapchat

Kate Bunker and Tatum McPherson-Crowie will share how we embrace risk, acknowledge failure and identify epic failures by a novel use of the social media network Snapchat to convene a reflective practitioner meshwork for capturing and sharing screenshots of experiences in the interest of reflecting on learning from unlearnings. Learning from our unlearnings, we propose a reflective, transformative, bottom-up problem-solving approach to workplace learning in the academic library context to bring about a change-ready library and information professional workforce. Resulting from our approach to an evolving workplace learning environment, colleagues have reported increased confidence in their use and application of emerging technologies for personal and professional purposes, motivation to return to formal tertiary study, benefits of multiple modes of mentoring, skills refresher opportunities, and the unifying affect of and effect on library staff as they up-skill and multi-skill together.


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