LARK meeting

by | Nov 8, 2013 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Suzana Sukovic

Yesterday LARK had its second meeting ever. The first meeting was a year ago when the group came into existence. Yesterday we met again to touch base and discuss where we are heading. LARK isn’t and shouldn’t be a closed club, said someone in the meeting. The gathering was a case in point. There were some well-known faces for continuity and new ones for a sense of growth. The gathering was small, but there were representatives from different information sectors – school and academic librarians,

vendors and indexers – sharing research interests, concerns and wishes.

It was a most enjoyable evening, but also an opportunity to think about what next. As time passes and LARK develops, I am more and more convinced that research in the profession needs care and a helping hand to grow. On good days, like yesterday, I feel that professional LIS research is ready for a boost.

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