#EBLIPRG November
Enough with the Shhhhh! – Journal Discussion on Twitter
By Fiona Macdonald
Our EBLIP reading group is continuing to meet every second month on Twitter to discuss articles which support an evidence-based approach to Library issues.
In November the reading is:
McCaffrey, C. & Breen, M. (2016). Quiet in the Library: An Evidence-Based Approach to Improving the Student Experience. portal: Libraries and the Academy 16(4), 775-791.
Student feedback to academic libraries consistently and increasingly indicate conflicting desires: more quiet space, more collaborative space, makerspace, silent study, more interactive or social space. There are increasing expectations of all of the above, and libraries usually have to manage on the same footprint. So what do Libraries do in terms of noise management? And what works?
Join us on Twitter #EBLIPRG and discuss:
• Actual noise v’s perceived noise
• Do signs work?
• Impact of furniture and design
• Zoning
• From intractable to manageable – what works
WHEN? Thursday 24th November 4 pm AEST (Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne) on Twitter #EBLIPRG
Facilitated by Fionamac @macdonaldf
Image above: