LARK Diigo group

by | Oct 17, 2012 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

I am starting to see a value of hanging in one place long enough. The LARK Diigo group started in 2010 when a few librarians from UTS prepared a presentation for a workshop at Information Online 2011. The presentation was called Two birds with one evaluation and it was part of a research workshop presented by the ALIA Research Committee. The rest is a (personal) history.

Diigo bookmarks were shared with 2011 workshop participants; then the UTS group and I went in different directions (while remaining in touch); I kept adding bits and pieces; another workshop by the ALIA Research Committee was organised in 2012 and Diigo bookmarks were on offer once again… And here we are with the LARKs to share what was gathered in the last two years.

Is there a message in this accidental, let’s-see-what-happens-history? Maybe that if we keep putting twigs on that fire, it will survive rainy and forgetful days. Maybe it will give some warmth to a soul in need of a research flame. Who knows…Let’s offer that Diigo group here and see what happens.

Suzana Sukovic


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