LARKMeet online 11 October

by | Oct 7, 2016 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Hopefully, you’ve been inspired by Virginia Wilson’s recent post about Canadian experience with LIS research and evidence based practice. In the next LARK Meet online, we’d like to connect inspiration and your good ideas with practice. The main presentation will be by Liz Walkley Hall, an experienced practice-based researcher followed by questions and disucussions.

Working as a practitioner-researcher: a view from the frontline

Presented by Liz Walkley Hall, Flinders University Library

Librarians who combine research with practice – practitioner-researchers – face many challenges. However this is outweighed by the opportunities research can bring to practice, including bringing an evidence base to our decision-making, as well as firsthand experience of the research process which can be invaluable in the academic library context.

In this presentation, Liz will explore how we can all incorporate research into our practice as librarians, offering some tips and tricks that she has learnt.

Please join us for what is planned to be an interactive, exploratory session – bring your questions and comments !

WHEN: Tue, Oct 11, 2016 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM (Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne)

Please join this meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. 

You can also dial in using your phone. 
United States +1 (872) 240-3412 
Access Code: 997-699-789 

Liz Walkley Hall is the Open Scholarship Librarian at Flinders University and an active practitioner-researcher. She is also the Chair of the Library’s Research Working Group. In this role, she supports librarians to undertake their own research projects. Over the past six years, the group has published or presented more than 20 papers, from usability studies to library-community engagement. Liz’s own research interests include knowledge management, organisational change, workplace learning, and research skills for librarians.


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